
Tactus is a simple yet powerful graphical planning and coordinating tool. Originally developed using Winterp and Motif , it will be redesigned and ported to Guile and G-Golf.

Tactus-1.0: Main window [Winterp/Motif].


Tactus started, not under that name though, as one of the modules of a large collaborative research project financed by both the industry and the Economic European Community, involving universities for the feasability and prototyping phase, which is how we got involved. For those happy to dig in history, here is the official reference: CRAFT - CABMas, Proposal CR-1136-91, Contract BRE2-CT 94 - 1333.

When the research project ended, we decided to go ahead and invest to turn the prototype into what became Tactus: a stable, robust, simple and yet powerful graphical planning and coordinating tool.